One hand washes the other
Ana Claudia Almeida & Guilherme Ginane, Ana Elisa Egreja & Leda Catunda, Antonio Malta Campos & Antonio Lee, Daniel Lannes & Gustavo Speridião, Pedro França & Raphaela Melsohn, Rodrigo Andrade & Link Museu, Rodrigo Bivar & Ilê Sartuzi & Camile Sproesser, Tiago Mestre & Lorenzato, Tiago Tebet & Fabio Kawallys, Virgílio Neto & Paulo Whitaker, Marcelo Cipis & CIF (Yuli Yamagata, Flora Rebollo, Gokula Stoffel, Luciana Maas, Janina Mcquoid ) & Guilherme Ginane.
June 25 – September 3, 2022
Organized by Antonio Lee
Images courtesy of OLHÃO, Antonio Lee and artistas. Photos by Julia Thompson.